Christmas In A Box

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Christmas In A Box


Show Someone You Care This Christmas

A big thank you to our MD Jo who is helping a local charity, Christmas In A Box. This amazing charity help local people in crisis with hampers full of food and basic essentials.

Last Chistmas, over 700 boxes were distributed - reaching over 1,600 people in Bedfordshire.

If you live in Bedford or surrounding areas and you would like to help, please purchase the following items on the following shopping list/lists and donate them in a open boxed wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper.


  • Tinned Potatoes (lge)
  • Tinned Carrots (lge)
  • Tinned Peas (lge)
  • Tinned Ham (lge)
  • Tinned Tuna
  • Tinned Fruit
  • Coca-cola/Lemonade
  • Squash
  • Tea/Coffee
  • Soup
  • Christmas Pudding
  • Carton of Custard
  • Gravy Granules
  • Mince Pies
  • Stuffing Mix
  • Mayonnaise
  • Savoury Biscuits
  • Box of Chocolates
  • 2 Selection Boxes
  • Crisps


  • Tinned Potatoes
  • Tinned Ham
  • Tinned Soup
  • Tinned Peas
  • Tea Bags
  • Can of Soft Drink
  • Shower Gel
  • Crisps
  • Box of Chocolates
  • Mini Chocolate Rolls
  • Chocolate Biscuits

*Please Bring your completed boxes on Sunday 9th December, 3pm - 6pm or Tuesday 11th December, 4pm - 6pm to All Nations Church, Brickhill Drive, Bedford, MK41 7QF

For more information and other ways to get involved please visit - or email

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