Why Is Black A Brilliant Choice For Your Packaging?

Estimated reading time: 3 min
Black packaging

Does your brand need a refresh? If so, then it could be worth exploring a new shade. One of the most popular choices is black packaging. There are several key reasons why this could be the perfect option.

Create The Right Perception

Colour is a powerful tool in the marketing world. It can connect ideas to your product or brand. Consumers associate black with:

  • Sophistication
  • Authority
  • Elegance
  • Wealth
  • Luxury
  • Rarity
  • Mystery

Black packaging could help create a real FOMO (fear of missing out) with a gift item. It may even lead to an increased level of trust for a wellness company. Or, project the concept of affordable luxury onto your latest products.

Stand Out

While black has become more popular for packaging and containers in recent years, many marketers still avoid it, particularly in the beauty industry. Why is this? Companies tend to package their products in brighter, white or cream boxes. Of course, this provides an opportunity to ensure your product stands out in a sea of white on the shelves. Market research will help determine whether this is true for your company.

Send A Message

You can use black packaging to send a message about your brand. For instance, many wellness companies use black to highlight night products. Alternatively, brighter shades are used for morning skincare items. 

Avoid Negative Connotations

As we mentioned earlier, colours create ideas about a product or brand. This can include negative connotations. One wrong shade might make people think twice about purchasing one of your products. This is why marketers are so careful when they select colours for buy buttons on websites. Black avoids this issue because it is essentially a blank canvas. Marketers use the shade because it is flexible enough to fit with any product. Furthermore, there’s no danger of turning off a target audience with the wrong choice.

Different Types of Black Packaging


black water bottle


There is a fantastic selection of black packaging options for your product. Here are some of the best choices we recommend.

Rigid Cardboard packaging

Make a statement with your company and keep your business sustainable with this option. Rigid cardboard packaging is biodegradable and recyclable. Black cardboard tubes also offer a stunning, eye-catching design. You can even choose a matte design for a luxurious aesthetic that will elevate any product.

Black Bottles

Black aluminium bottles provide a bold choice for any brand. As noted, black suggests a deluxe product worth the price tag. Use these bottles to elevate the perception of your brand or your product line.

Packaging Pouches

Black stand-up pouches are a form of flexible packaging. Lightweight, flexible and suitable for a wide range of products, you can print your logo on these bags. White or gold prints will stand out beautifully, 

Combination Packaging

Use black tins or cardboard tubes to create combination packaging. This style combines different colours and shades for a product that will catch attention on shelves. Blue text, white text, or gold prints will all look stunning on black packaging.

Black Gift Tins

Create a beautiful, elegant presentation for any gift with black tins. These are perfect for wellness products or cosmetic items for a high-end audience. Black tins will immediately suggest that your products are valuable or a deluxe option.

Black Candle Tin Packaging

Customers associate candles with wellness, beauty and serenity. A noir shade doesn’t just create a stunning aesthetic. It also reminds customers of the dark when a candle will burn brightest. It’s a powerful image that could improve the chances of a sale.

Is black the right choice for your brand? At Tinware Direct we have a fantastic selection of black containers, including our fantastic new black aluminium bottles. Explore our store now to find the perfect packaging for your product. 

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