Packaging Insights, Advice & Support

Explore the latest news reshaping the packaging industry as well as expert advice from our team on how to maximise the potential of your product. Read key insights on branding options, choices regarding sustainability, and learn the trends that will elevate your marketing strategy.

Image showing the right sustainability choice

Do Customers Love Sustainable Packaging? It's Complicated

Get sustainable packaging right for the modern consumer.

NewsImage referencing The Windsor Framework

What To Expect From The New Windsor Framework Elements

Everything you need to know about the new elements of the Windsor Framework

NewsTrees with sustainability symbol

Sustainable Packaging Crucial For FMCG Businesses, New Report Reveals

As brands struggle to meet their sustainability objectives, FMCG brands highlight the importance of the right packaging.

NewsFerrero Rocher

Top Brands Embrace Eco-Friendly Shift: Cardboard Packaging and Beyond

Learn about the big brands that are leading the move towards sustainable packaging choices.

NewsHeart shaped tin packaging

Metal Packaging Now The Most Popular Choice With EU Customers

Unearth the reasons why metal packaging is becoming the favourite choice for your customers.

NewsBlack cosmetic aluminium packaging

Increased Customer Demand Pushing Beauty Brands Towards Sustainable Packaging

Learn why customers are desperate for cosmetic companies to embrace sustainability.

NewsPopular Food Manufacturers Accused Of Alleged Greenwashing With Sustainable Packaging Claims

Popular Food Manufacturers Accused Of Alleged Greenwashing With Sustainable Packaging Claims

Coca Cola and Nestle have been accused of greenwashing their sustainable packaging claims.